Temporary COVID-19 Temperature/Symptom Screening Protocol For Employees, Volunteers and Researchers - Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh

Temporary COVID-19 Temperature/Symptom Screening Protocol For Employees, Volunteers and Researchers

Temporary Measure

In preparation for reopening the museums amid the COVID-19 health crisis, Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh (CMP) is providing this Temporary COVID-19 Temperature/Symptom Screening Protocol. This protocol is intended as a temporary measure in support of the ongoing safety, health and wellness of Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh (CMP) staff, volunteers, researchers, visitors, guests, contractors, vendors and the public we serve.

It is assumed that all employees, volunteers and researchers will follow this protocol in good faith and to the best of their ability. If any employee, volunteer or researcher is found to have knowingly provided false information or to have made false representations to during the screening process, the individual will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including suspension or discharge for employees, suspension or termination of privileges for volunteers, or suspension or termination of access privileges for researchers.

This policy is developed in part based on COVID-19 prevention requirements and/or guidance from the PA Department of Health (DOH), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA). This policy may be revised as regulations and guidance evolve or as circumstances warrant. This temporary policy will apply from June 5, 2020 through December 31, 2020.

Covered Individuals

This protocol applies to all CMP employees, volunteers and researchers (collectively, “covered individuals”).

  • For the purposes of this protocol, “researcher(s)” means those persons permitted on or in CMP premises, facilities, or collections for research related purposes who are not employees of CMP or otherwise paid by CMP, including those persons with emeritus status at a CMP museum. For researchers, references in this protocol to “supervisor” include or refer to the researcher’s section head or other main contact at CMP.
  • For volunteers, references in this protocol to “supervisor” mean the individual’s volunteer supervisor or coordinator.

Screening Process

  1. All covered individuals will receive from the CMP Human Resources (HR) Department, a COVID-19 Workplace Questionnaire. All covered individuals are required to provide the completed COVID-19 Workplace Questionnaire to the HR Department prior to returning to CMP premises for work, volunteer or research purposes.
  2. All covered individuals will be required to enter and exit through specific designated entrances and exits at each CMP facility.
  3. Each day, before or immediately upon arriving at CMP premises for work, volunteer or research purposes, covered individuals will be required to participate in COVID-19 screening. The DOH provides guidance on COVID-19 symptoms at https://www.health.pa.gov/topics/disease/coronavirus/Pages/Symptoms-Testing.aspx. This screening may include, completing questionnaires, taking their own temperature at home, having their temperature taken on-site and/or verbally answering a short series of COIVID-19 symptom screening questions. The screening required may also change over time. For temperatures taken on site, non-contact thermometers will be used by 3G security team members or other trained personnel.
  4. All covered individuals must adhere to social distancing requirements during any daily on-site COVID-19 screening processes. Please refer to the CMP Temporary COVID-19 Social Distancing Policy for further information.
  5. Covered individuals having a temperature under 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit and passing the applicable required COVID-19 screening will be permitted into their respective building.
  6. Covered individuals registering a temperature of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or greater or answering affirmatively for COVID-19 symptoms during the screening process will be required not to report to CMP premises or to leave the premises immediately, in the interest of safety for all. For any on-site COVID-19 screening, the 3G security team member or other personnel administering the on-site screening will record the name and position of the affected individual, the name of the individual’s supervisor, that they have a symptom, and that they cannot be admitted to the CMP facility at that time. CMP employees reporting to work but not permitted to enter the workplace as a result of on-site COVID-19 screening will be paid for their scheduled shift for that day in accordance with CMP sick pay policies or other applicable CMP pay policy.
  7. The COVID-19 symptom screening information provided by a covered individual, regardless of the manner in which it is provided, will be treated confidentially by CMP, and by 3G where applicable, and will not in any way affect an assessment of the individual’s performance. The information will be securely stored by the CMP HR Department in the same manner as other confidential information of this type handled by HR. 3G will not store any such information provided by covered individuals.
  8. Any covered individual who refuses to participate in the COVID-19 screening prior to or upon entry, as applicable, will be treated as though they had not passed the screening process and, in the interest of safety for all, denied entry to CMP facilities. Any employee who refuses to participate in the required COVID-19 screening will not be paid for the day they reported to work unless required by any applicable federal or state law.
  9. Covered individuals participating in on-site screening should be prepared to leave CMP premises immediately each day in the event they do not pass the screening at entry. For those covered individuals who are required to but are unable to immediately leave the premises, for example due to transportation issues, a temporary isolation room will be available for the individual until they are able to make arrangements to safely leave the premises.
  10. Covered individuals not reporting for work, volunteer or research purposes or those not permitted to enter the CMP building upon arrival, must immediately notify their supervisor, manager, section head, or other main CMP contact, by phone or email, that they have been required to remain off of or to leave CMP premises and then contact the HR Department, at HRConnect@CarnegieMuseums.org or 412-622-3311, for further instructions. In addition, 3G will inform the CMP HR Department of those covered individuals required to remain off of or to leave CMP premises under this protocol.
  11. Covered individuals required to leave CMP premises should refer for further information to the Temporary COVID-19 Reporting & Notification Policy applicable to their classification:
  • COVID-19 Employee Reporting &Notification Policy,
  • COVID-19 Volunteer Reporting & Notification Policy, or
  • COVID-19 Researcher Reporting & Notification Policy