the big pictureSummer 2016

Ai Weiwei's iconic Circle of Animals/Zodiac Heads will be on view in Carnegie Museum of Art's Hall of Architecture May 28 through August 29. The artwork, Ai's first major public sculpture, consists of 12 figures of the traditional CHinese zodiac, cast in bronze. Each stands more than 10 feet tall and weighs about 2,000 pounds.
Ai Weiwei, Circle of Animals/Zodiac Heads (detail, Dragon), 2010, Private collection, Image courtesy of Ai Weiwei, Photo: Tim Nighswander

Also in this issue:

Ai Weiwei at The Warhol  ·  Window into the Wild  ·  Backyard Science  ·  The Adventure Continues  ·  Special Section: Tribute to Our Donors  ·  President's Note  ·  NewsWorthy  ·  Face Time: Eric Dorfman  ·  Artistic License: After Hours  ·  Science & Nature: Teacher's Aide  ·  Travel Log