The F Word
Andy Warhol Museum’s latest exhibition examines the
ideas, intentions, and politics behind art made by
women, and dares to bring up the “F” word—feminism. By
Barbara Klein “I
am woman hear me roar in numbers
big to ignore.” If you’re female
and of a certain age, chances are you remember every
single word to that 1970s’ anthem. “And
I know too much to go back and pretend, ’cause I’ve
heard it all before and I’ve been down there on the
floor.” Even today, if you happen to be listening
to the radio when this ode to feminism hits the airways,
you probably sing along.
“ I am strong. I am invincible. I am woman.”
do you? Maybe Helen Reddy’s proclamation suddenly
sounds woefully outdated or tragically unfulfilled.
feminine, female—what do these “F” words
mean in the context of history books, in today’s
vernacular, and in tomorrow’s world? Not surprisingly,
the answers depend on whom you’re talking to.
its exhibition titled The “F” Word, which
runs through September 3, The Andy Warhol Museum is letting
a dozen contemporary female artists do all the talking.
Among them, Ida Applebroog, Martha Colburn, Deborah Grant,
Wynne Greenwood and K8 Hardy, Sharon Hayes, Wangechi Mutu,
Yoko Ono, Martha Rosler, Carolee Schneemann, Laura Schnitger,
Allison Smith, Valerie Tevere, and Amy Wilson.
So far,
the buzz has been extremely positive. “It’s
a very directed, strong, topical show,” says John
Smith, The Warhol’s assistant director for collections
and research. “People are asking why New York hasn’t
done this.”
The answer: because The Warhol, which
is known the world over for the tough issues it tackles
through its exhibitions—issues
like lynching, torture, and AIDS—is in Pittsburgh,
and that’s where independent curator Elizabeth Thomas
has been setting the stage for the exhibition. And together,
The Warhol Director Thomas Sokolowski along with Smith
and Thomas have been setting the tone.
Feminism: A Dirty
As Sokolowski recalls, the idea for the show started with
Pittsburgh Roars, the regional initiative that was designed
to encourage people to get out and experience all the sights,
sounds, and happenings that make Pittsburgh a place to
shout about. In asking themselves how The Warhol might
bring a compelling, distinctive—and some might say,
Warholian— voice to the Roars project, Sokolowski
and company decided to pursue roaring of a different sort.
Helen Reddy and her infamous song. Although her signature
line was the genesis for the exhibition, Thomas explains,
somehow the word “feminist” was never uttered
during those preliminary meetings. It seemed no one actually
wanted to say the “F” word out loud.
The idea of feminism is a difficult topic to talk about,” Thomas
says. “It’s a loaded term. There are some artists
who embrace it while others don’t want their work
reduced to that label.”
It’s like the word ‘liberal,’” Sokolowski
says. “Some people think it’s tainted. But
what does feminism mean in 2006? Would you call yourself
a feminist? And if you do, does feminism today mean the
same thing as it did to your sisters 30 years ago?”
the “F” word finally out on the table,
The Warhol seemed like an even more ideal location for
the exhibition. After all, Smith says, “Warhol opened
the doors to discussions about sexuality and identity.”
doors are still open, but ironically, as Thomas began sounding
out women artists to measure their level of interest,
she admits that the premise of excluding men was a bit
unsettling at first.
As a curator, I don’t think I ever would have decided
to do an all-woman show,” Thomas says. “The
kind of separatism it implies is a loaded issue. But I
accepted that challenge, that complication. It’s
an important exercise to complicate things. The world is
And so was finding the right mix of
artists. Thomas wanted a balance of generations and disciplines.
But even when
several women who led the first charge of feminist art
in the 1960s and ‘70s—women like Applebroog,
Ono, Rosler, and Schneemann —signed on, the exhibition
was never conceived as a nostalgic trip back to the good
old days of bra burnings and protest marches.

Amy Wilson, Honey to Ashes
(Divine), 2005, Watercolor on
paper. Courtesy of Amy Wilson and Bellwether
The Politics of Art
I wanted to be respectful to previous generations of feminists,” Thomas
notes, “but I also didn’t want to freeze them
in a feminist moment because they’re still out there
today making art.”
That art, as well as the art of
their younger counterparts who have agreed to participate,
embodies a variety of mediums—painting,
collage, photography, video, performance—to achieve
a variety of effects. In Thomas’s view, some of the
work is cerebral or strident and aggressive, while other
work is undeniably gorgeous, seductive, erotic, satiric,
and, believe it or not, funny.
It’s important to question, to express dissent, to
upend things, to unsettle them, and, often times, to work
out personal relationships to larger issues,” Thomas
asserts. “To be political, art can attack the status
quo, but it can also be deeply personal and build new ways
of engaging the world.”
Will visitors experience The “F” Word on a personal level? “I can’t predict what
people will see,” Thomas says. “But I hope
a show that will speak to everyone and counter preconceptions
about artwork that deals with political issues.”
issues are something the Women and Girls Foundation of
Southwest Pennsylvania, which is providing financial
support for The “F” Word, can speak to. Recently,
the organization’s Allegheny Girls as Grantmakers
gained national notoriety by staging a girlcott of some
of Abercrombie & Fitch’s T-shirts. The retailer
clearly got the message. A sample “before” T-shirt
read: “I had a nightmare I was a brunette.” After
the girlcott: “Brunettes have brains.”
to the Women and Girls Foundation’s Executive
Director Heather Arnet, providing financial support to
The “F” Word is perfectly consistent with the
group’s mission to achieve equity and amplify women’s
This is our first time sponsoring an exhibition,” Arnet
says. “But art, like any other sector, is important.
We want young women to know they can grow up to be artists.” Guerrilla Tactics, Or Not?
Right now, however, women may find the odds are against
them. “The art world is still dominated by males,” says
So, it seems that even with all the time that
has passed since the feminist movement first got its
start, there
hasn’t been a dramatic social, cultural, or economic
shift—at least in the art world. “Years ago,” Smith
says, “the Guerrilla Girls pointed out the lack of
female artists and the lack of value placed on them. In
a way, those things haven’t changed.”
in 1985, the Guerrilla Girls was a group of women artists
who assumed the names of dead women artists and
worked anonymously—wearing gorilla masks in public—to
produce posters, billboards, public actions, books, and
other projects to make feminism funny and fashionable.
to the modern-day Guerrilla Girls who continue to travel
the world as “feminist masked avengers,” Sokolowski
wonders if subtlety rather than stridency is the message
of the 21st century. “The issues aren’t so
different,” he says, “but perhaps it’s
the modes of expression that need to change.”
the tactics, Arnet says, “I hope the exhibition
will attract women and men of all ages and inspire young
people to use their voices, their palettes, and their computers.
Equality and human rights are very relevant, especially
as their world becomes more global through the Internet
and our economy.”
The universe may be expanding,
but art remains a universal language. “Art has the
capacity to be a place where people can work out ideas,” Thomas
says. “Art
can’t change the world, but ideas can.”
Support for The “F” Word
comes from the Pittsburgh Roars project and The Women and
Girls Foundation of Southwest
Support for The "F" Word exhibition 'Zine Project
is provided by Barbara and Gerald Chait.
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