New Awards for Scientific Excellence
by Kathryn M. Duda
NOMAD-A Robot that will Explore the Moon
by Paul Oles
Talking with Sculptor Thad Mosley
by David Lewis
best-known African American sculptor talks about his work – which is on view at Carnegie
Museum of Art.
Great Etchings by Two Great Masters
Essays by Kahren Jones Arbitman and Linda
Outstanding works by two of the 17th century’s finest artists: Rembrandt
and Jacques Bellange.
The Year in Review: 1996 at the Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh
The Louisiana Waterthrush and our Mountain Streams
by Robert S. Mulvhill
migratory Louisiana Waterthrush has a lot to say about the health of Appalachian
streams, and may become a bio-indicator species for environmental study.
Carnegie Magazine Has a Birthday
Carnegie Skywatch
The May and June Night Skies
Unseen Warhol by John O’Connor and Benjamin Liu
reviewed by Trevor Fairbrother
Cover: “Fast-freeze physics” is one of the live demonstrations at Carnegie Science Center. Regional scientsists are now being honored for their achievements by a special award created by Carnegie Science Center. Photo by Terry Clark.