Wild Blue Planet
A new permanent exhibit defines the museum as a "Museum of the Earth"
Filling in Our Missing Links
The exhibit Ancestors Unearthed uses priceless artificats and modern technology to show how our human ancestors lived four million years ago.
Carnegie Wild Life Film Festival
The best short nature documentaries get a two-day showing at the museum.

We all make it a point to know as much as we can about our homes. Their value, their good points, things that could use some repair—these are all things we keep up with because we depend on our homes for shelter. It makes sense, then, to feel the same sense of ownership and caring about our "other" home—the planet Earth—which we all depend upon for life itself.

"Earth is a much more interesting place than most geography lessons convey—what a beautiful planet!" says Jay Apt, director of Carnegie Museum of Natural History. "To be informed citizens we need to see its resources and people from above and study them from the surface."

To that end, Carnegie Museum of Natural History presents two new exhibits and a film festival—all devoted to the Earth and its inhabitants. These initiatives are signs of Apt's interest in Earth science and his mission of recreating the Museum of Natural History as a "Museum of the Earth."


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